
EXCEL 25, the Association's Annual Meeting & Convention, is scheduled for June 12-15 at the Sagamore Resort in Bolton Landing, NY!


EXCEL 25 is the place to connect with hundreds of New York credit union leaders and build awareness about your unique offerings. With five hours of exclusive, dedicated EXPO time—plus receptions, education sessions, networking events and much more—it's one of the best investments you'll make all year!

Standard event registration is available only for credit union employees and volunteers. Vendors must register as exhibitors.


To claim your space, simply complete the following steps.


1. Choose your level of participation. (Click the links below to jump to a specific opportunity.)

2. Submit your registration by May 9, 2025. 

Registration Instructions:

Payment must be received before your registration is processed!

Online Registration - For Credit Card Payment Only

  • Click the Register Here button below to pay by credit card.
  • Select your registration type. In one of the corresponding rows for that registration level, please click on Purchase. (Please note: The numbers displayed are for internal use only. Your booth number will be assigned to you in the coming months.)
  • At this point, you will be prompted to login to your account. If you have a user account with us, please enter your email and your password. If you do not have an account with us already, please click on Create an account.
  • Next, you will enter your company name into the search field. If your company already exists in our system, you will select it from the drop-down. If your company is not in our system, please click the green plus button to the right-hand side of the search field and then add the requested information to add your company to the system.
  • Then you will need to enter the name of the purchaser of the booth.  Please follow the same procedure as above. Once you have completed this information, click Next.
  • Your order and total will display. Click Checkout.
  • In the checkout, please select your billing address. Under Payment Options, please select Credit CardVerify the confirmation email contact(s). Then click Submit Your Order.

Registration Form - For Payment By Check

  • Please click the Exhibitor Registration Form button below to pay by check.
  • Please make your check payable to the New York Credit Union Association.
  • Please mail the Exhibitor Registration Form and your check to:
    • New York Credit Union Association
      Attn: EXCEL 25
      PO Box 15118
      Albany, NY 12212-5118
  • Once your registration form and check have been received, your registration will be completed. 

3. Make hotel reservations by May 12.


Lodging Information


4. Explore this website, including the Agenda, for more information about EXCEL.


Exhibit in our EXPO


Investment: $2,500

Available for $2,500, our exhibit booths include:

  • 6' deep x 10' wide exhibit space
  • 8' high draped back wall and 3' high draped side walls
  • One 6' skirted table, two chairs and one wastebasket
  • Registration for two company representatives (additional representatives are $200 each), which includes access to EXCEL events
  • EXCEL App listing with company name, business description, contact name, phone numbers and a link to your company website
  • 24-hour security in the exhibit hall


Invest in Event-Wide Sponsorship


With our event-wide sponsorship packages, your organization can enjoy high visibility and valuable brand presence throughout EXCEL 25.


Premier Sponsorship: $5,000 - $5,500 (Friday Learning Labs Sold Out - Limited Saturday Slots Available)

  • Your organization will be listed as a Premier Sponsor on all general signage and printed materials, during all general sessions and on general session screen presentation backgrounds.
  • Your representative(s) will have the opportunity to present a 60-minute educational break-out session between 2:15 and 4:30 p.m. on Friday, June 13 or from 1:00 to 2:00p.m. on Saturday, June 14.
  • Your organization will participate as a sponsor for the exclusive one-hour invitation only CEO reception on Thursday afternoon from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  • Your organization will receive a double booth (6' x 20') in a premier EXPO location and will be provided with full registration for four organization representatives.
  • Your organization will receive one ad on the EXCEL 25 website home page.
  • Your organization's promotional materials will be placed in registration bags (approx. 500 pieces needed).
  • Your organization will receive booth signage and badge ribbons identifying you as a Premier Sponsor.
  • Your organization will receive recognition on the EXCEL 25 website homepage as a Premier Sponsor of EXCEL 25, the Annual Meeting & Convention.


Contributing Sponsorship: $3,750 

  • Your organization will be listed as a Contributing Sponsor on all signage and printed materials, at all events, during all general sessions and on general session screen presentation backgrounds.
  • Your organization will receive a booth (6' x 10') in a preferred EXPO location and will be provided with full registration for two organization representatives.
  • Your organization will participate as a sponsor for the exclusive one-hour invitation only CEO reception on Thursday afternoon from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  • Your organization will receive an ad on the EXCEL 25 website home page.
  • Your organization will receive booth signage and badge ribbons identifying you as a Sponsor.
  • Your organization’s One-page flyer or promo piece will be inserted in each registration bag (approx. 500 pieces needed).
  • Your organization will receive recognition on the EXCEL 25 website homepage as a Contributing Sponsor of EXCEL 25, the Annual Meeting & Convention.


Register Here - Credit Card Payment Only


Exhibitor Registration Form - Check Payment Only

**Please note that there may be limited circumstances where the Association may not be able to accept a sponsorship due to contractual obligations. Please feel free to email events.training@nycua.org for additional information before selecting your sponsorship.

Supplementary Sponsorship Opportunities

We are also pleased to offer the following supplementary sponsorship opportunities, which may be purchased in addition to an EXPO booth or an event-wide sponsorship. Your organization will be highlighted as the provider of the following items, some of which are used throughout EXCEL 25.


Convention bags: $4,000 (Exclusive)
Your organization’s logo will be featured on the EXCEL 25 bags distributed to all attendees. (The EXCEL 25 logo will also be featured.)


Lanyards: $3,500 (SOLD) 
Your organization’s logo will be featured on the EXCEL 25 lanyards, which are worn by all attendees and are required for admittance into all events. (The EXCEL 25 logo will also be featured.)


EXCEL Give-away: $3,500 (SOLD)
Your organization's logo will be featured on the EXCEL 25 Give-away distributed to all attendees. (The EXCEL 25 logo will also be featured.)


EXCEL Phone Charging Station: $3,000 (Exclusive) 
Your organization's logo will be displayed on the phone charging station during the four days of EXCEL 25.

Thursday Night Kickoff Entertainment: $2,500  
Put the spotlight on your company at our kickoff entertainment event. This sponsorship includes tabletop signs with your logo on the high-top tables, recognition on the website, phone app and all other sponsor signage.


Friday Night Tequila Tasting: $2,500  
Put the spotlight on your company at our newest event. This sponsorship includes tabletop signs with your logo on the high-top tables, recognition on the website, phone app and all other sponsor signage.


Saturday Evening Gala: $2,500  
Highlight your company at our signature EXCEL 25 event. Tabletop signs with your logo on each table, at our open bar, verbal recognition and an opportunity to briefly speak, recognition on website, phone app and all other sponsor signage.


Saturday Breakfast: $2,000 
Tabletop signs on each buffet table and sponsor recognition on the website and on all sponsor signage.


General Session Coffee Stations: $2,000 
Our attendees love their coffee! Your signage will be on coffee stations throughout EXCEL 25.


Keynote Speaker Sponsorships: $1,000 (Limited Availability)
A representative from your organization will get the opportunity to introduce a keynote speaker. This sponsorship also includes recognition on signage as well as the phone app.


Advertise on our EXCEL Website$1,000

Make an impact with this impressive space on our EXCEL 25 homepage. Your ad will run through EXCEL 25, so purchase early for the greatest amount of exposure. Advertising instructions: Ad should be a full-color image (.png preferred) that is exactly 1170 pixels wide by 300 pixels high. Send by email to events.training@nycua.org.


Registration bag flyers/promotional piece: $500
One-page flyer or promo piece will be inserted in each EXCEL 25 bag (approx. 500 pieces needed).


Become a Sponsor*


*Click Review & Checkout to Select Your Sponsorship Level

**Please note that there may be limited circumstances where the Association may not be able to accept a sponsorship due to contractual obligations. Please feel free to email events.training@nycua.org for additional information before selecting your sponsorship.


Required Forms & Materials

All EXCEL 25 exhibitors and sponsors should submit the following information and materials by the indicated deadlines. 

By May 9:

  • Submit Exhibitor and Sponsorship registrations. 
  • E-mail your organization’s booth attendees, their email addresses and a 30-word company description for the EXCEL 25 app to events.training@nycua.org.
  • All Premier and Contributing Sponsors should email a high-resolution organization logo, minimum 300 dpi (preferred file format: illustrator CS2.eps) to events.training@nycua.org.
  • All Premier and Contributing Sponsors should email your organization's advertisement for the EXCEL 25 website to events.training@nycua.org.
    • Advertising instructions: Ad should be a full-color image (.png preferred) that is exactly 1170 pixels wide by 300 pixels high

By May 23:

  • All Premier and Contributing Sponsors should mail 500 pieces of promotional collateral to the Association for inclusion in EXCEL 25 registration bags.
    • Please have promotional flyers sent to "New York Credit Union Association, Attn: EXCEL 25, 4 Tower Place, Floor 5, Albany, NY  12203."



  • Payment for the Expo is required to complete your registration. 
  • Payments can be made by credit card or by check. Please see the registration instructions above for each payment type.


Exhibitor Agreement

Exhibitor Agreement

By registering for or attending this event, you agree to abide by this agreement.


Have questions? Contact the Association’s events and training team at events.training@nycua.org or (800) 342-9835, ext. 8546.

We look forward to seeing you at EXCEL 25!


All persons who attend NYCUA-sponsored events are expected to treat their fellow attendees and all others present in a respectful manner consistent with federal and state anti-discrimination and sexual harassment laws. Failure to do so may result in a person being banned from any and all Association events.

In the event you experience or witness conduct contrary to this policy, you are encouraged to address your concerns immediately with either the offending party, a member of your own management team, NYCUA staff or any other party in a position to be able to assist you with your concerns.

By registering for or attending this event, you agree to abide by this code of conduct.



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